This personality test breaks a person's personality down into 4 pairs of conflicting aspects in a personality. Each person will identify with one of each pair.
The first pair is Extrovert vs. Introvert: Extroverted people are interested in what is happening around them, are open and often talkative, compare their own opinions with the opinions of others, like action and initiative, easily make new friends or adapt to a new group, say what they think, are interested in new people, and easily break unwanted relations. Introverted people are interested in their own thoughts and feelings, need to have own territory, often appear reserved, quiet and thoughtful, usually do not have many friends, have difficulties in making new contacts, like concentration and quiet, do not like unexpected visits and therefore do not make them, and work well alone.
The second pair is Sensing vs. INtuitive: Sensing people see everyone and sense everything, live in the here and now, quickly adapt to any situation, like pleasures based on physical sensation, are practical and active, and are realistic and self-confident. Intuitive people are mostly in the past or in the future, worry about the future more than the present, are interested in everything new and unusual, do not like routine, are attracted more to the theory than the practice, and often have doubts.
The third pair is Thinking vs. Feeling: Thinking people are interested in systems, structures, patterns, expose everything to logical analysis, are relatively cold and unemotional, evaluate things by intellect and right or wrong, have difficulties talking about feelings, and do not like to clear up arguments or quarrels. Feeling people are interested in people and their feelings, easily pass their own moods to others, pay great attention to love and passion, evaluate things by ethics and good or bad, can be touchy or use emotional manipulation, and often give compliments to please people.
The fourth pair is Perceiving vs. Judging: Perceiving people act impulsively following the situation, can start many things at once without finishing them properly, prefer to have freedom from obligations, are curious and like a fresh look at things, work productivity depends on their mood, and often act without any preparation. Judging people do not like to leave unanswered questions, plan work ahead and tend to finish it, do not like to change their decisions, have relatively stable work-ability, and easily follow rules and discipline.
Now with these in mind after taking the test my results were INFJ. This personality type is labeled "The Empath", how ironic! lol. Now to look at the explanation: (My comments are in parentheses and in bold)
"INFJs have a very characteristic dispassionate facial expression. (OMG so me. I'm always getting picked on for not having enough facials) This is often reminiscent of the depiction of saints and martyrs from early Christian icons. Their faces convey the feeling that their soul is suffering even when it is not.(Interesting) INFjs faces are often perfect ovals but can be rectangular in shape as well. Their noses are usually straight and slightly elongated, but not prominent.
INFjs do not show intense positive emotions, instead they simply smile. (Been told this by many people that I do this) All their facial expressions openly reproach nefarious happenings. The same can be noticed in their intonation. In many cases INFjs have a slim, ascetic figure. Their movements are often quite harsh although not lacking mobility. INFjs with more fuller figures are less mobile and active. When walking, INFjs may keep their feet close and parallel to the ground, maintaining a short distance between each step. (Not very specific but whatever).
INFjs are generally very modest, which is also noticeable in their choice of clothes. (Very True) However from time to time they may wear something very flashy according to the latest fashion especially is noticeable in males. INFjs prefer to observe people for sometime before making contact in order to identify social hierarchy in a group.(Definitely true. I do this all the time, sometimes without thinking about it) Normally INFjs do not show initiative when making contact for the first time. (I'm sure my friends will agree with this one lol)
INFjs can be very touchy and this may strain the easy atmosphere of a conversation.(I don't know that I'm touchy per se but I can definitely sense awkwardness straining on conversations) Sometimes they adopt a monotone speech pattern that can snuff out all playfulness in others.(I've heard that I can get a serious bite when I mean business) INFjs have a special ability to listen to people and as a result they are often asked for advice or sympathy.(AMEN) They never push people away and are always prepared to listen for as long as it takes to make others feel better, even if they theoretically have better things to do.(Absolutely True! I go out of my way all the time for people without any expectations of reciprocation) INFjs are always ready to help friends in difficult life situations. They care not with words but with real actions.(I try to do both, because I know how words impact people)
INFjs do not really make good cheats or frauds. This however, does not stop them from trying sometimes. And even if they do, they are likely to feel pretty bad about themselves afterwards.(Hahaha true. I would make an awful cheat and I am such a bad liar) This gives INFjs a reputation as naive and impractical people. INFjs are very conscientious in their work . They do everything carefully, paying great attention to the quality of their labour. INFjs demand cleanliness and order. At home they tend to keep everything tidy, carefully storing their belonging, especially females INFjs.(Will be more true in the future when I have more space to organize) They like a calm and measured style of life and therefore try to prepare and anticipate everything beforehand, often making them quite reliable.(I find this to be accurate)
INFjs know how to establish peace between conflicting sides. They take a neutral position in the conflict, often being fired upon from both sides.(Found myself in this position one too many times) They rarely push, shout or show aggressiveness.(Accurate) Instead they punish offenders by completely ignoring them until they realise their mistakes and apologise.(Not true, I'm too nice for that) INFjs do not like to project themselves: when everybody works, they work too, when everybody rests, they rest too.(Never thought about it before but yeah makes sense) INFjs often cannot stand violence, conflict and graphic depiction of injuries.(True to a point. Conflict-absolutely can't stand. Violence-depends on how violent or what kind. Graphic images or gore-depends on severity. I remember being young and watching gore on TV and feeling pain that mirrored the location of the wounds. But I can handle blood.)"
Well this was a long post, but I think it was definitely interesting, to me at least lol :)
If you decide to take the test, leave a comment with what you get if you'd like! I'd love to see what you think about your results!
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