Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Medic of the Soul

So, I'm a SoulMedic on RemedyLive. RemedyLive is a christian web radio station with a chat room. In the chat visitors that we call "chatters" can participate in a group chat or if they would like a one-on-one they can private chat a SoulMedic for help. We also have it set-up that the chatters can text-to-chat or text-to-remedy.
I started this job because when I was going through a lot in my life there weren't many people that I could talk to. Some people knew some things and others knew other things, but there wasn't anybody that I had told everything. If there had been somebody that I had talked to a lot of things probably wouldn't have happened. I'm thankful now that I have friends I can talk to about things, but there are many more who are like I was that need the accountability and the motivation to get help. That's why I wanted to get involved. But do I really do this for them? or do I still do this for me?
I really do care for people. I try to help them talk through their problems, even if there's no way I can help fix them. They can at least know that somebody else cares how they are doing. I have my regulars who I talk to often and then there are those who pass through that I get to know.
At the same time, I need the social interaction. At school I spend more time with people than I do by myself. I'm always in class or with my friends or a roommate. Now at home, I'm by myself way more than I'm with people. So, sometimes I just need the conversations in order to keep me sane.
Even though the chatters face a lot of problems like self injury, eating disorders, abuse, suicidal thoughts, anxiety disorders, and health issues, it doesn't wear me out because any conversations I have are treasured.


  1. You're blogging! Yay!!
    Rachel, you have such a beautiful spirit. I think the Lord is so delighted to see such a willing person who doesn't mind getting "dirty" by talking to other people that need a listening ear or encouragement. I'm inspired by you, and I'm thankful people get to talk to someone like you. I pray that what you say would be words of God's truth that bring hope and redemption. Because that is exactly what he did for us. Love you so much! Looking forward to reading more of your entries! :) :)

    I appreciate you!
    in Christ alone,

    1. Thanks Nicole! I appreciate your encouragement :)
