Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week 3: FG Chap 3- Theology of the Holy Spirit 101

First off, today at Sunday School we were talking about Mary and Martha which reminded me of the song "Lament" by Audrey Assad (found here). Give it a listen if you'd like :) Also we had a conversation about the 5 love languages, which are touch, words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, and quality time. Personally my love language is affirmation, followed by quality time. My lowest is touch. I'm just not that kind of person. The struggle with love languages is learning to use someone else's love language for them when it's not the same as yours. If you don't know what your love language is, I encourage you to take the online test here. Just pick which category is closest to you. If you can get your closest friends or roommates or spouse or whoever to take the test as well and then compare. When you find out what there's is, use it. Showing that you care will mean a lot more when you use something that they appreciate more than if you don't.

Forgotten God: Chapter 3- Theology of the Holy Spirit 101

This chapter is focusing on how the thought process to your actions is also important. A good theology can lead us to live godly lives, and bad theology can lead us to bad decisions. When I get on a good thought path, I don't know if you've noticed this like I have, it seems like everything is going right. The whole world just seems to come into a better view than it had started. The opposite is also true. When I start contemplating things that are negative, life just seems darker. You can almost talk yourself into doing things yous should or shouldn't based on how you are thinking at the time. Also this can depend on who you're with at the time. When I am with someone who thinks more positively, I tend to think more positively as well. Now I'm not saying that when you are depressed or thinking negatively that you should just start thinking happier. That doesn't really help anything. People have on numerous occasions just told me to think happier and life would get better; it never does. So I'm not saying that. I'm saying though that by surrounding yourself with people who think more positively than you do, you can alter your view a little bit. This can be true with the Spirit as well. If we are always thinking about how distant we are from Him or how He won't do such and such, we will continue to spiral down in the wrong direction. But by thinking more positively and using hope we can see the light in things and make room for growth.
Something that keeps coming up when I hear things about the Spirit is "Boldness'. I'm not sure how I feel about that word. To me it's frightening, because personally I would hate to be bold. I'm just not that kind of person. But, bold looks different for each person. Your boldness could be walking up to a stranger and witnessing to them on the spot, whereas my boldness may be more like asking a good friend if I could pray for them, which I have only done maybe twice. Paul preached to thousands and brought them all into the Kingdom. Sometimes I feel that we all need the faith of children. I was watching a comedy special and I heard something that kind of struck me as pretty deep when in the right context. When kids are little we tell them that a huge strange man is going to come into our house and eat our food in the middle of the night, but it's ok because he's leaving you presents. And, they are ok with that. They don't see how that could possibly be wrong. Same with God. We tell the kids that God is always there for them and that they should pray and read the Bible. They believe that He is there without question. They have so much faith that they can not see how God could not exist. Whereas adults are constantly doubting their faith. No wonder Jesus wanted all the children to come unto him.
The Holy Spirit is a person. The Holy Spirit is God. The Holy Spirit is Eternal and Holy. The Holy Spirit has His own mind and prays for us. The Spirit has Emotions. The Holy Spirit has His own desires and will. The Holy Spirit is Ominipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient. These are all valid points that we need to remember about the Spirit. The one that I'm going to focus on remembering is that the Spirit has emotions. He loves us unconditionally and hurts for us when things are not going well.
Just something to think about. :)

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