Hello blog readers!
I want to thank all of you for reading my blog. Even though I don't know who all reads or what they think of it, I enjoy knowing that people at least care enough to see what's on my mind.
Thanks to you, I have reached over 200 blog views in 16 posts.
So, my loyal readers, what would you like for me to talk about?
I feel really lame just talking to myself, so if you have any input at all, it is more than welcome!
I'll take comments, questions, topics, whatever you've got for me.
You can leave comments on the blog, on my facebook posts, or you can message me on facebook. You could even email me at rachelandrews1992@yahoo.com, if that's easier for you.
Anyways, now to you regular programming :)
So what has happened since we've last spoken?
Well not a whole lot. I've been drawing and painting a lot lately which is nice. Definitely a good time passer. At the moment I'm at the eye doctor's office. I'm most likely blinder than I was but that's nothing new. I'm getting another set of green frames. :)
My dad just got back today from a business trip in Colorado. I'm glad he's home...
Tomorrow is my driving test. I'm excited and nervous. I need my license so this has to go well.
Also, a friend from high school passed away unexpectedly. She was hit by a 70ft dead tree while giving a tour on horseback. It's weird that she's gone. I've lived down the street from them since I moved to this house. We used to ride the bus together to and from school for many several years. It's so sad that so many people have died lately. My graduating class has suffered 3 losses since graduating: Amanda, Linden, and now Chelsea. Proves that life is short. What is amazing is that on Chelsea's facebook wall she had posted about 2 months ago this status: "Life is so precious. Sometimes its easy to forget that. Thank God for everyday you and your family are alive and well. You never know what day will be your last." As soon as I read that I got chills.
Today I:
Saw- the roads in Elkhart while driving
Heard- waiting room music at the eye doctor's.
Smelled- Sharpie smell while coloring
Tasted- Granite City food mmm
Touched- Daniel while we were "wrestling" for the couch. He ended up on top of me. It was a great time :)
Drawings to date: 9
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